Automated Amazon Store!"
As Well
As Well
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The Competition?
But by partnering with us, you'll have access to these big names, WITHOUT the headache of having to secure the contracts. We've been in business with a lot of them for almost a decade now. We can leverage our connections, so our partners have the same benefits that we do.
You don't have to go to the suppliers and beg for the chance to buy inventory. We're handling all of that for you and then some.
But by partnering with us, you'll have access to these big names, WITHOUT the headache of having to secure the contracts. We've been in business with a lot of them for almost a decade now. We can leverage our connections, so our partners have the same benefits that we do.
You don't have to go to the suppliers and beg for the chance to buy inventory. We're handling all of that for you and then some.
Selling on Amazon is a real business, will real backend work that needs to be done. With that being said, you're partnered with us and we handle everything from start to finish. On average our clients spend less than 10 hours a month handling details of their stores. It's usually administrative work such as looking over invoices we send you for products.
Our average store turns 10-20% net profit each month on your revenue. So the more you spend on inventory, the more money you're going to make. The margins typically stay the same as you scale your store. Our most successful stores have a consistent stream of capital ready to deploy.
On average it takes 14-18 weeks to get your first bit of inventory into Amazon. That's due to the fact that we have to setup your account, get contracts in place with suppliers and account for lead times when placing orders. Once your store is up and running, it's much quicker when resupplying inventory.
Not in the slightest. 3rd party sellers make up over 50% of sales on the platform. There's several HUNDREDS of millions of buyers. There's a little under 3 million sellers. That means you have plenty of opportunity to make your mark.